Friday, January 9, 2015

Do You Know What’s In Your Water?

Water is something that everyone needs in order to survive, but it’s not something you likely think about on a regular basis. For most people in the United States, having access to clean, readily available water is something we have come to take for granted.
However, just because we have access to water doesn’t mean that it’s the safest thing for us to be drinking. If you live near a major water supplier, they are supposed to test the water at least once a year to ensure that it’s safe, and they’re also supposed to filter the water to remove any harmful debris, chemicals and bacteria.
But just because they’re supposed to do that doesn’t mean they actually do. Some water suppliers have tried to cut corners in order to reduce costs, which puts your health at risk. In order to cut corners, they may not filter the water as best they can, and instead are content with supplying only the most basic level of filtering.
This is why many homeowners opt to have water filtration systems installed in their own home. This way, even though they may receive “filtered” water through their tap, they can ensure the water has been processed as best as possible, and that they’re consuming the cleanest possible water. Not only is clean water good for your overall health, but clean water is better for the environment.

So, the question remains—do you know what’s in your water?
Bacteria thrives in damp places, making water the perfect home for bacteria of all sorts. Because bacteria can live in water, it’s possible that harmful bacteria are currently residing in the water you drink, cook, and wash with every day. These bacteria can carry a wide array of illness and disease, and putting this bacteria into your body can cause you to  become sick.
Farmers all over the world use pesticides in order to keep bugs away from their crops. Some farmers continue to use pesticides that contain harmful chemicals, and these chemicals can end up in the water supply that you drink from. Pesticides contain chemicals that can be extremely dangerous if consumed, and if there are pesticides in your water, you are putting your health at risk.
Although fluoride is touted as being extremely beneficial for your teeth, it can be extremely dangerous in high amounts. Water has been known to contain high amounts of fluoride, and if this isn’t controlled, it could put you at serious risk or becoming ill.

Chances are you are going to find some traces of chlorine in your water, and as long as it remains as only traces, it’s safe. However, when the chlorine amount becomes larger, it can do severe damage to your respiratory system, which could result in illness or even death.
The dangers of lead have been discussed for many years, but lead is still a toxic ingredient found in some water supplies throughout the world. If you were to consume water with high levels of lead, it would be poisonous. This could do damage to your nervous system, as well as completely damage your brain or your bloodstream.
Article Submitted By Community Writer.

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